My Rights, as the artist

Your Rights, as the commissioner

  • I only take commissions from clients who are 18 years of age or older.
  • I reserve the right to refuse a commission for ANY reason, and I don't have to give the reason.
  • I do NOT take commissions featuring the following topics:
    • NSFW featuring characters under 18
    • NSFW featuring characters that don't pass the Harkness Test
    • Rape
    • Gore/viscera
    • Anime characters
    • Knives
  • If you do not pay for your commission, I will not deliver the final product.
  • I reserve the right to post all commissions on my web site and social media.
  • You can request a link to your own web site or socials with the post, or to specifically remain anonymous in the posting.
  • You pay for your commission only after I've completed it.
  • I will send you a watermarked preview image and if you're satisfied, you pay and then I send you the final, high resolution image.
  • If you're not satisfied, I'll do one major round of edits, or up to three rounds of minor edits.
  • Major edits include large changes to the lineart. Minor edits include small fixes to the lineart and color changes.
  • You have full rights to post and print your image.
  • When posting, you MUST link to my web site.
  • You do NOT have the right to mint NFTs of your image or use it for any cryptocurrency or blockchain-related endeavors.
  • You do NOT have the right to train AIs or LLM models with your image.
  • You do NOT have the right to resell your image.